
History of Wales. История Уэльса

The Celts who had first arrived in Wales in the 6th and 7th centuries B. C. were defeated by the…

16 лет ago

Climate of Great Britain. Климат Великобритании

Great Britain is situated on the islands. It is washed by seas from all the sides. That’s why the climate…

16 лет ago

Climate and nature of the USА. Климат и природа США

The USA is situated in the central part of the North American Continent. It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean…

16 лет ago

Customs and Traditions in Great Britain. Обычаи и традиции в Великобритании

Almost every nation has a reputation of some kind. The English are reputed to be cold and reserved. In reality…

16 лет ago

Shopping in London. Магазины в Лондоне

Harrods is probably the world’s most famous shop. For Londoners, there is a love- hate relationship: most say they hate…

16 лет ago

Main Theatres in London. Главные театры Лондона

There are four theatres in London of notable beauty: the Theatre, the Curtain Theatre, the Rose Theatre and the Swan…

16 лет ago

English Traditions. Английские традиции

Every country and every nation has its own customs and traditions. You cannot speak about England with-out speaking about its…

16 лет ago

The English Character. Английский характер

The national character of the English has been described in different ways, but most commentators agree over one quality, which…

16 лет ago

English Cookery and Meals. Английская кухня и еда

With the exception of breakfast meals in England are much the same as in other countries. The usual meals in…

16 лет ago

Outstanding Events in the Life of Great Britain. Выдающиеся события в жизни Великобритании

England was added to the Roman Empire in 43 A. D. Roman invasion played a very important role in the…

16 лет ago