Топики по английскому

Canada. Канада

Canada is an independent federative state. It is one of the most developed countries. Canada consists of ten provinces and…

16 лет ago

The Base of Industry. Основа индустрии

The greatest part of America’s heavy industry depends upon three resources: iron ore from the Lake Superior area, coal from…

16 лет ago

My Winter Holidays. Мои зимнии каникули

Winter holidays are shorter than summer ones. They begin at the end of December and last about two weeks. It…

16 лет ago

My Summer Holidays. Мои летние каникули

In summer schoolchildren do not go to school. They have summer holidays which are three months long. Children don’t have…

16 лет ago

Halloween. Хеллоуин

On October 31, Halloween (the evening before All Saints), American children dress up in funny or scary costumes and go…

16 лет ago

St Valentine’s Day. День Св. Валентина

St Valentine’s Day comes on February 14. It is not a legal or a national holiday. Banks and offices are…

16 лет ago

My Hobby. Мое хобби

I have a lot of hobbies because there are so many interesting things to do. Unfortunately I don’t have much…

16 лет ago

Hobby. Хобби

Hobby is a favourite occupation of a person in his free time. I have many friends. They are very different…

16 лет ago

Education in Canada. Образование в Канаде

The school system of Canada is very much like the one in the USA, but there are certain differences. Education…

16 лет ago

Аbout My Mother. Про мою маму

My mother’s name is Valentyna Ivanivna Petrenko. She is forty years old. But to my mind she looks much younger.…

16 лет ago