Топики по английскому

Аustralia. Австралия

Australia, or the Commonwealth of Australia, as it is officially called, is situated on the island continent. It also occupies…

16 лет ago

Canadian Cities and Towns. Большие и малые города Канады

Canada is a country with rapid growth of the population. It is mainly concentrated in large cities. The most important…

16 лет ago

Sherlock Holmes — a Famous Literary Character. ШерлокХолмс — знаменитий литературный герой

If Sherlock Holmes were alive today, he would be more than 140 years old. We can say it from the…

16 лет ago

My Favourite Literary. Мой любимый литературный персонаж

My favourite literary character is Eliza Doolittle. Eliza is one of the principal characters of “Pygmalion”, Bernard Shaw’s famous comedy.…

16 лет ago

My Favourite Books. Мои любимые книги

I like to read books very much. My favourite writer and poet is A. S. Pushkin. My favourite Pushkin’s poem…

16 лет ago

My Favourite Composers. Мои любимые композиторы

Music is an essential part of everyone’s life. I can’t imagine a person living without music. We can listen to…

16 лет ago

Outstanding Historical Events of Canada. Выдающиеся исторические события Канады

Modern Canada originated as a country of immigrants. Before the 15th century Canada was populated by different Indian tribes. In…

16 лет ago

Political System of Canada. Политическая система Канады

Canada is an independent federal parliamentary state. The Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth II, is the official head of the…

16 лет ago

Geographical Position of Great Britain. Географическое положение Великобритании

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupies the territory of the British Isles. They lie to the…

16 лет ago

National Emblems in Great Britain. Национальные эмблемы в Великобритании

The red rose was the emblem of Lancastrians, the white rose that of the Yorkists, the two Houses fighting for…

16 лет ago