Топики по английскому

Veterans Day. День ветеранов

Veterans Day is originally called Armistice Day. This holiday was established to honour Americans who had died in World War…

16 лет ago

Columbus Day. День Колумба

On October 12, 1492, Italian navigator Christopher Columbus landed in the New World. 12 октября 1492 года итальянский мореплаватель Христофор…

16 лет ago

Labour Day. День работы

The first Monday of September is the national holiday that honours national working people, typically with parades. For most Americans…

16 лет ago

Mother’s Day. День матери

Mother's Day comes on the second Sunday in May. It is a day when Americans honour their mothers. It is…

16 лет ago

Father’s Day. День отца

Father's Day comes on the third Sunday in June. It is not a national holiday on that day. Americans honour…

16 лет ago

Memorial Day. День памяти

Celebrated on the fourth Monday of May, Memorial Day honours the dead. Although it originated in the aftermath of the…

16 лет ago

Thanksgiving Day. День благодарности

Eight other holidays are uniquely American. For most Americans, two of these stand out above the others as occasions to…

16 лет ago

Четвертое июля — День независимости США

4 июля - наибольший национальный праздник в США. Он отмечается как день рождения страны. 4 июля 1776 г., когда американские…

16 лет ago

American Holidays. Американские праздники

Probably the most widely celebrated holidays in the United States of America are Thanksgiving, Independence Day and Christmas. Thanksgiving Day…

16 лет ago

Holidays in the USА. Праздники в США

There are a lot of holidays in the USA. Many of them are associated with the history of the nation.…

16 лет ago