Топики по английскому

Charles Spencer Chaplin. Чарльз Спенсер Чаплин

With shoes and trousers too big for him, and jacket too tight, moustache, bowler hat and walking cane the famous…

16 лет ago

Isaac Newton was a great English scientist

He was born in 1642 in a little village in Lincolnshire: Newton's father was a farmer and died before his…

16 лет ago

Cecil Frank Powell

Powell was a prominent English scientist noted for his techniques and discoveries in particle physics. He was also deeply concerned…

16 лет ago

Аlexander Fleming. Александр Флеминг

Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin, was born in Scotland in 1881 at a farm. He began to go to…

16 лет ago

Ernest Rutherford. Эрнест Резерфорд

Ernest Rutherford is called the Newton of atomic physics. He was recognized by his fellow scientists as a man of…

16 лет ago

Henry Purcell. Генри Перселл

The most original English composer of his time, Henry Purcell composed for the church, stage, and court and for private…

16 лет ago

Outstanding People of Great Britain

He met the leading musicians of the day and composed the operas “Rodrigo” and “Agrippina”, many Italian solo cantatas, Latin…

16 лет ago

John Constable. Джон констебль

John Constable, one of the greatest landscape painters, was born in Sufford, on June 11, 1776. He was the son…

16 лет ago

The Olympic Games. Олимпийские игры

The tradition of the Olympic Games runs back to ancient Greece. We know that the first Olympic Games took place…

16 лет ago

Sport in Our Life. Спорт нашей жизни

People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized…

16 лет ago